academic events
Tea time with faculty
Tea Times are your chance for personal engagement with faculty. Over a light refreshment, you'll have the opportunity to discuss the exciting research and career paths of professors on campus. Take advantage of their wisdom and ask for tips for success!
Lab tours
A Lab Tour is usually a group of 10 or so students being given a tour of a researcher's laboratory either by the PI themselves or by one of their trusted graduate students. This exposes students to research in the sciences (whether it be cognitive science, neuroscience, developmental biology, etc.) and gives them the chance to ask questions and get an inside look on cutting-edge scientific topics.
Expert guest speakers and panels of peers offer tips and tricks on a variety of topics. Previously held workshops include Grad and Professional Night, How to Maintain a 3.7 GPA, How to join a Research Lab, and How to Study Abroad as a Bio Major. Multiple workshops are held every quarter and are exclusive to BioScholars.
questions? comments? concerns?
For more information about academic events, please contact the Co-Activities Chairs:
Isaac Chang:
Caesar De La Fuente: